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Why Choose Selman Logistics?


When planning your next hotel project, the company you choose to provide your FF&E logistics services will play a key role in the operational efficiency and overall success of the project.  The right hotel logistics services help ensure your renovation or new construction project remains within its budget and timeline with minimal disruption. Selman Logistics has completed thousands of rooms for just about every major brand and many boutique brands as well.  No project is too big or too small!


Selman Logistics will manage the process from start to finish.  As your hotel is being built or renovated, each project manager will report all inbound freight shipments from your FF&E manufacturers that are routed to the secure warehouse and receiving point near the project site.  Ensuring that your warehouse is near the project site is important to minimize delivery times and costs.


With the use of our web-based inventory system, you will be provided with daily updates when your merchandise is received and with our customer interface feature, you will have real-time access to your inventory 24/7. 


Once the property is ready to start receiving, delivery appointments will be coordinated to meet with your on-site installation schedule.

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